UA-37223125-1 37223125 erick bip: HOW TO MAKE free MASTERCARD

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


to launch a business you get an extra dollar from the internet. But first I want you ngingatin .., So you can create a free mastercard you have to join the community friendfinder first (see previous article) if you have a list but you're interested ... want to list but a list where you confused? to create a web "click here" If you have a list you must log in friendfinder then logout again with ... Well ... if you've come out you select an affiliate then click SIGNUP and fill data2 you. > Preferred mode: choose no one. > First name: first name. > Last name: last name. > Url: website / blog (mandatory content) if you do not have a website or blog you can fill with later if you already have a web / new blog instead. > Desired password: password you like. > Newsletter preferred language: select english. > Email address: email address. > Secondary email address: your email to another (may be in blank). > Checks payable to: full name on the ID card. > Street address: address based on ID. > City: the city of your residence. > State province: the province of mu. > Portal zip code: code poss. > What is your business tax classification: empty. > Tax id or social security number: leave blank (us only). > Phone number: Phone No. 021-1234567 eg your phone no to 62-21-1234567 or no hp you become 62811xxxx 0811xxxx you should add 62 because 62 is the code for Indonesia. > The which instant messenger do you use: just choose no. > Use a passporte: select no. > Please give us your comment: make your comments such as hello / thanks / i like it. After that click CLICK HERE FOR THE LAST STEP and then click the little box that says YES I HAVE READ THE AFFILIATE AGREEMENT AND accepted and then click SUBMIT. Step Three: If you've managed to list> click and then click the ACCOUNT INFORMATION HERE IS YOUR blue ACCOUNT INFORMATION CLICK 'HERE' TO UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION. > Click Payoneer: Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard ® you will be directed to a page hosted by Payoneer friendfinder, where you can signup for a card. > Fill in the data in correctly Payoneer wait after about 20 days then your card will be sent to your home (your home address please fill out the basic right not to bother any of my cards if you stray into other people's houses .... hehehe ......> after the cards in your hand to immediately follow the activation of your debit card as instructed in the letter that was sent along with your card ...> after that FINISHED deh ... Hmmm .. just how to make it easy by becoming a member findfinder course you can make and get a debit card from Payoneer secapa FREE anyway .... If you directly into the Payoneer list you will not be because our country is not listed on the Payoneer INDONESIA. Look back at your incoming email ... Open the email of friendfinder you will be given a username and password to login as a member affiliate as the affiliate login as different from the affiliate join friendfinder ... If you join the affiliate friendfinder means you also join with his cronies .... For example, adult friendfinder friendfinder upzzz .... etc. This site is a bit smelly porn anyway (well have to be careful ya got scared Constitution pornography hehehe) but we take only the positive aspects that we could be ya debit card from Payoneer mastercard anyway .... Now for FREE If you already have a debit card and you can paypal verified paypal you ... If you've verified it your business to earn an extra dollar of internetpun more wide open .... How would you try?

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